on the monkey trail

chocolate cake, salad, books, flowers, kids, and other important stuff

hello darkness my old friend

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A few weeks ago, I was feeling quite chipper and I wrote this post. It was definitely on the perkier side of normal for me, but it’s nice to spread some good vibes now and again. So it is with mixed feelings that I begin this post. I don’t want to burst any bubbles because I really believe in all that stuff. I do live by it, and it definitely does help me to cope with the chronic sleep deprivation that is my reality…most of the time.

But, some days, days when you are clinging on to the rope that you find yourself precariously hanging to, are days for some deep dark indulgences. Some days, you feel compelled to do exactly the reverse of what’s good for you. Some days, for the atheists amongst us, when prayer is not an option, then a strong hot coffee and a seriously large slab of chocolate are really your best bets to carry you from one breath to the next. And let’s just leave the word moderation out of this post shall we. There are days when moderation is a very fine thing, and days when we laugh in the face of moderation, and it’s the best laugh we’ve had all day.

Author: Amy

Amy is a Director and Practice Manager at Willis Street Physiotherapy in Wellington, NZ. She lives in Martinborough with her husband and four children.

One thought on “hello darkness my old friend

  1. Pingback: Back to the core | Barefoot and Soul

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